╣ 000924221507 -08

It is 9/24.
I am hanging with Taylor
This weekend.
Spectrum buddy.
We vibrate 
with such resonance
it is astounding 

We hang.
Minds dance
with such fluid
gestural strokes
At ideas as lofty as
    the power and meaning
    of silence,
        the most powerful Gesture,
        I would argue,
To the finer points
of these toasted sesame
coconut paleo pancakes
with delicately 
sliced pears,
apple wedges,
thinly sliced
ginger root 
cross sections,
olive oil & 

        The power of 
        as a symbol communication
        is that it communicates 
        without a word
        merely opportunity 
        for the mind of my reader
        you dear reader
        to become
        part of this poem.
        it is a moment of silence 
        for your imagination 
        your universe 
        your rock tearing
        through the cleanly raked
        patterns in sand
        of the zen garden.
        Insert here!
        Bring your particular 
        Your particular intrusion
        Of universal proportion
        Of enormous magnitude,
        Your Aleph,
        Insert here.
    End digression

olive oil & Sage Honey
salt & garam masala
    and !!POW!!
    How was that 
    flavor poem Aleph
    inserted thus
    in sub point two
    of this example
of said lofty ideas
    that Taylor and I partake of.

But the main point
of this entire poem is,

My brain has arrived.

Loud & Clear.



My problem is 
not who you are.
My problem is 
you are not hearing 
who I am in this moment.